Patient engagement resources for practice teams and PPGs

  • Patient engagement

The Patient Engagement Project resource and signposting list includes links to free, practical “how to” information and toolkits on developing and sustaining PPGs, including virtual PPGs.

Project Toolkits and briefings for practice teams and PPGs

The toolkit(s) and briefings below are based on a short series of workshops delivered by the Patient Engagement Project in spring 2017. They are designed to be practical and accessible for practice teams and their PPG members.

Setting the Future Framework for your Patient Participation Group is a toolkit co-produced by the Londonwide LMCs’ Patient Engagement Project and the Patients Association.

The toolkit outlines a ten-point process for practice leads in patient participation and their PPG Chairs to work together to review the current structure and focus of their PPG and develop and act on their PPG priorities for the future. It includes relevant information, practical tips and signposting to additional resources. Whether you have a newly established PPG with a few members or an active PPG with dozens of members, this toolkit can help you to launch your PPG as well as sustain and develop it.

Further guidance: