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New and re-elected MPs – July 2024

We are looking to arrange meetings to raise GP issues with London MPs, please get in touch if your practice is interested taking part.

EMIS CrowdStrike update

EMIS are reporting that their "service is restored", the extent this proves to be the case will only become apparent as the days progress.

Wandsworth LMC newsletter – July 2024

In this edition Welcome to our Wandsworth LMC newsletter. We aim to inform you about the role of the LMC and how the LMC can support you in your practice. As you will see we have news sections and standing information sections. It’s been a busy few months with the conference season now over, but […]

Hillingdon LMC newsletter – July 2024

Dear colleagues, This is the first of our regular newsletter. We would like to introduce you to your Hillingdon Local Medical Committee and keep you updated with our work. Our committee: Dr Venothan Suri (Co-Chair), Glendale Medical Centre Dr Sujata Chadha (Co-Chair), Hillingdon Confederation Same Day Access Hub Dr Mahendra Mashru (Vice Chair), King Edwards […]