Target audience: | Experienced immunisers (Registered health care professionals). |
Time: | Logon and registration: 0915 Start: 0930 End: 1300 |
Delivery mode: | Zoom. |
Cost: |
Overview: | Content for the session (dependent on discussion with the commissioner and national issues/programme changes Immunisation update content as of October 2021:
Aims: | To update delegates knowledge of and their confidence for safe delivery of the national vaccination programmes. |
Learning outcomes: | What will delegates leave with – links to information about the national vaccination programmes so they can keep up to date with the programmes as they evolve over time. |
Presenter: | Pauline MacDonald, ARRC, SRN, BSc (Hons), MSc, FRSPH. Independent Consultant Nurse, Infection Matters Limited. |
Book your place online by clicking on the button on the right hand side of this page. Alternatively you can download the booking form here. |