Effective appraisals and personal development planning workshop

  • Practice manager development event

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Target audience:Practice managers and assistant practice managers.
Time:Thursday 8 September, 9.30am – 11.30am, break, 12 noon – 2pm
Delivery mode:Virtual platform – MS Teams.
  • Free to people working in Londonwide LMCs’ area practices.
Overview:The fully funded workshop will develop the core skills of questioning using powerful questions to support people in achieving their best outcomes. Delegates will gain an understanding of the skills, principles and practice of effective management of peer to peer support. Establishing your place in your leadership development journey is all about helping people get aligned behind their organisation’s direction of travel, to build the skills and confidence required to deliver organisational success within the reassuring arms of a collaborative culture.
Aims:The effective appraisals workshop will enable delegates to understand – for themselves and their staff – where they are starting from on their personal leadership journeys. They will process and deliver the feedback sessions to people, helping them create personal action plans that they can take into their further development and learning. The process is a continual journey and we will ensure delegates understand the need to support progress, how to evaluate progress and how to ensure they manage continual development.

Continual development, setting goals and gathering peer support are essential to a successful Personal Development Plan (PDP). The workshop will also explore the role of the PDP and how this will guide all staff in their career, whatever grade they are at. PDPs help all staff to become more self-aware, enabling them to understand how to improve performance and develop new skills. All staff can engage in this process.

Learning outcomes:
  • Understanding the purpose of effective appraisals within an organisational context.
  • Understanding the skills, behaviours, attitudes, beliefs and values of effective appraisals.
  • Understanding the principles of effective appraisals in practice and how to evaluate benefit.
  • Understanding the value of gathering peer support are essential to a successful Personal Development Plan (PDP).
CPD points/accreditation:Two CPD points.
Format:PowerPoint presentation, workbook, scenarios, interactive web workshop, facilitator lead.
Presenter:Colin Murray – Colin brings over two decades of blue-chip operational experience, MSc level coaching expertise and extensive knowledge of the NHS across both Primary and Secondary care. With a mixture of skill, curiosity, intuition and humour Colin’s ability as a coach and facilitator is to help you get straight to heart of the real challenge and is always focused on helping you reach the best possible outcome for you and your organisation.

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