General Practice Alert State lunch and learn – 25 October 2023

Learn how by completing a single, weekly return your practice gives Londonwide LMCs high quality data to evidence the pressures on general practice.

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Understanding the General Practice Alert State (GPAS) and its benefits – Lunch and Learn Presentations

GPAS is a simple system that collects a small amount of anonymised data from practices so that they are able to indicate to the broader system the strain general practice is under. It will enable the LMC to advise the ICS/ICB if an area within general practice, as a whole, rather than at an individual practice level, is either starting to struggle to provide appropriate levels of care or is no longer able to maintain full GP services.  It can be compared to the OPEL (Operational Pressures Escalation Levels) system used by Ambulance and Hospital Trusts.

We need practices to provide us with a named person and deputy to send the emails to and for practices to complete a weekly form that consists of six simple questions.  The form will take a few minutes to complete, and think of the benefits being able to show this to the wider system.  Sign-up now via the following survey monkey link:

We will be running these on a first come, first served basis via zoom. If you would like to attend one of the sessions please email [email protected] with GPAS – L&L session in the subject header and your name, email address, practice name and the session you wish to book for.

Any queries please contact Ann Ayamah at [email protected].