Free – practice premises: sub-tenant occupation and under leases within GP and healthcare premises

  • LEAD event

Gain a practical understanding of how lease terms can impact the occupation and use of the premises as well as the income and value.

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Target audience:GPs and Practice Managers
Time:Start: 12:30

End: 13:15

30 mins plus 15 mins questions

(allow 5 minutes before the start of the session for registration and AV equipment check)

Delivery mode:MS Teams
Cost:Free for attendees from Londonwide practices.
Overview:Checking leases to make sure rents and terms are up to date. Importance of the right lease terms and how it will affect the overall value of the property. How to implement rent reviews and look at lease renewals and other terms
Aims:Awareness of the impact and importance of the right lease terms and being proactive in their review and consideration
Learning outcomes:A practical understanding of how lease terms can impact the occupation and use of the premises as well as the income and value. How to approach issues surrounding under leases effectively
Format:ppt presentation, Q&A
Presenter:Georgina Silk, Aitchison Raffety

If you have any difficulties booking online, please email [email protected].

Book via PDF form

Other free events in this series include: