Travel health update

  • LEAD event

This event aims to provide an update for practitioners advising travellers from the UK.

Target audience:All healthcare practitioners involved in the practice of travel health medicine, Practice Nurses, Practice Managers, GP’s, Pharmacists, and allied professionals.
Time:Registration: 09.15         Start of session: 09.30   End: 13.00
Delivery mode:Zoom
  • £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.
  • £120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.
Course overview:Travellers from the UK continue to travel abroad, with numbers almost reaching pre-pandemic levels, and Europe the main destination for most. Globally, countries are experiencing hotter summers and an increase in natural disasters including extreme rainfall and flooding. These events create favourable conditions for the proliferation of insects and the geographical spread of mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika many previously unseen in some areas.  Travellers from the UK need to be made aware of their risk of exposure and advised on employing personal preventive measures. Not all diseases are vaccine preventable but new vaccines are being developed. This session will discuss changes to the epidemiology of diseases and the importance of providing current advice. Those delivering travel health advice should be trained and competent to protect the health of travellers from the UK.
Course aims:
  • The course aims to provide an update for practitioners advising travellers from the UK
Learning outcomes:
  • Acknowledging travel health as an important public health service
  • Knowledge of the changing epidemiology of vector-borne diseases globally
  • Importance of competence and accessing current information when advising travellers
  • Awareness of the development of new vaccines for travel
CPD Points/
LEL. 3.5 hours of learning and a certificate of attendance.
Format:ppt presentation with scenarios for discussion
Presenter:Sandra Grieve Independent travel health specialist nurse. RGN, RM, BSc (Hons) Dip Trav Med. FFTM, RCPS(Glasg), FISTM.

Travel Health Lead, RCN Public Health Forum.