Ealing LMC Newsletter – April 2023

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear colleagues,

This summer will see LMC elections in all the boroughs within Londonwide LMCs and in Ealing we are keen to encourage new members to nominate themselves for election for the new term in September 2023. Nominations are open from 24 April to 26 May, any GP on the National Performers List who does the majority of their sessions in Ealing or one of the other areas covered by Londonwide LMCs can stand. Online lunchtime networking events on 10 and 11 May offer an opportunity to learn more about LMC membership. There are a number of different events and support for members including networking events, developmental meetings and different training opportunities including media training.

Online lunchtime networking events on 10 and 11 May from 1:00-2:00pm offer an opportunity to learn more about LMC membership. To attend one please email [email protected] by Monday 8 May, saying which day you would prefer.

Please also share this email with colleagues and ensure they all check that Londonwide LMCs have an up-to-date email address and the correct borough they practice in, so they can be included in the election process. If a GP is unsure of whether their details are up to date they should email [email protected] with their name and details of the practice where they do the majority of their sessions.

Your current LMC members are (contact can be made via the Londonwide LMC team details at the end of this letter):


  • Dr Mohammad Alzarrad, Lady Margaret Road Surgery
  • Dr Sonali Bose, Yeading Medical Centre
  • Dr Sidhartha Datta (Ealing Chair & EHH Vice-Chair), Churchfield Surgery
  • Dr Camille Gajria, Sessional
  • Dr Kamini Gautam, KS Medical Centre
  • Dr Arim Ismail, Sessional
  • Dr Adam Jenkins (EHH Chair), Mansell Road Practice
  • Dr Mark Mikhail, Chepstow Gardens Medical Centre
  • Dr Jay Patel, Crown Street Surgery
  • Dr Miraj Patel, Corfton Road Surgery
  • Dr Anil Sagar, Crown Street Surgery
  • Dr Vichitar Sanghera, Southall Medical Centre
  • Dr Sukhpal Shergill (Ealing Vice-Chair), Hillview Surgery

Local priorities
Ealing LMC has been busy engaging with different stakeholders on a number of different issues as follows:

At a borough level:

At a North West London level
We also collaborate with our LMC colleagues across North West London to address issues including:

General Practice Alert System (GPAS)
Real time information on GP pressure

GPAS has been developed to monitor the ability of general practice to cope with current demands. It will enable the LMC to advise the ICS/ICB within an area that general practice as a whole, rather than at an individual practice level, is either starting to struggle to provide appropriate levels of care or is no longer able to maintain full GP services. It can be compared to the OPEL (Operational Pressures Escalation Levels) system used by Ambulance and Hospital Trusts. Importantly this data remains entirely anonymous, and we will report by locality and pan-ICS only.

GPAS will become increasingly difficult to ignore as it gets rolled out across the country and ultimately LMCs and GPC will have access to a national dashboard which we will all be contributing to. We need practices to provide us with a named person and deputy to send the emails to and for practices to complete a weekly form that consists of six simple questions. The form will take a few minutes to complete, and think of the benefits being able to show this to the wider system.

If you want to learn more, Dr Elliott Singer, Project Director for GPAS and Medical Director at Londonwide LMCs will be leading the following GPAS sessions: Wednesday 28 June 12-1pm and Wednesday 26 July 12:30-1:30pm. Please email [email protected] and for further information contact [email protected].

PCN Clinical Director Support

Londonwide LMCs offers ongoing support to PCN CDs in the form of a monthly forum and list server. If there has been a change to your PCN CD please do let us know.

Thank you for those of you who contact LMC committee members about issues as they arise. We rely on you to know where support is needed and are grateful for your queries. LMC members are keen to hear from our local GPs and practice teams about any issues you are facing.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Sidhartha Datta, Chair, Ealing LMC

Dr Adam Jenkins, Vice Chair, EHH LMC