Our latest survey of London GP practices found that 30 are considering closure, nearly half have a vacancy and 45% expect a GP to retire in the next three years.
Two seats in London are holding elections for the term covering 2017-20. Dr Michelle Drage is standing for re-election and Dr Stewart Kay is stepping down.
We have two new board members: Dr Paul O’Reilly (Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster) and Dr Rishi Chelvan (Bromley). Dr Chris Jowett (Hillingdon) has been re-elected to his post.
This month our guest blog comes from Dr Helal Attayee, who arrived in the UK as a refugee and has gone through the process of getting the necessary qualifications to work as a doctor in this country.
Submission to new All Party Parliamentary Group Primary Care and Public Health Inquiry
We have been invited to submit evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Primary Care and Public Health’s new inquiry into managing demand in primary care. If you would like to contribute to our pan-London response please do so by 16 March.
Our employment law advisors LMC Law are launching a new HR and Employment Indemnity Package in partnership with AXA Insurance, which provides advice and guidance as well as insurance.
London Ambulance Service (LAS) are looking for GPs to join a focus group in March, to inform a research project that is linking ambulance data to emergency department data, including looking at referrals from LAS to GPs and from GPs to LAS.
On 16 February we provided media training to another four LMC members, please contact us if you would interested in media training. On 9 February we wrote to London MPs and Assembly Members to tell them about our workforce survey results.
We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. We also support practices that are approached with media requests, you can find details of how to get support here.
Got a story? Email us at comms@lmc.org.uk.
Deadline for next month’s submissions is 15 March.