Hounslow LMC newsletter – September 2022

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear colleagues,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the Chair of the Hounslow LMC. This is the first of what will be a regular series of newsletters. Everyone on the LMC recognises the increasing pressures that general practice is under and are committed to try and address some of the pressures by helping practices and PCNs reduce the unfunded work they are doing and to challenge workload shift which is unsafe for both patients and practice staff.

Your current LMC members are (contact can be made via the Londonwide LMCs team details at the end of this message):

Hounslow LMC

  • Dr Hema Gopaul, Carlton Surgery
  • Dr Perwinder Gill, Gill Medical Practice
  • Dr Kapil Kotecha, St David’s Practice
  • Dr Parmod Luthra, Spring Grove Medical Practice
  • Dr Mohammed Muzafer, Hatton Medical Practice
  • Dr Rajkanawal Sibia, Little Park Surgery
  • Dr Raj Singh, Clifford Road Surgery
  • Dr Rashmi Singh, Clifford Road Surgery
  • Dr Navinchandra Thakrar, Holly Road Medical Centre
  • Dr Varendar Winayak, The Medical Centre (Chair)

Local priorities

Hounslow LMC’s local priorities include the need for services requiring input from general practice to be co-designed by GPs and practice teams. Services need to be funded and resourced appropriately so that patients are safe and practices are not making a loss by delivering a service. LMC members will continue to engage with stakeholders to campaign for this. General practice needs to speak with a unified voice to ensure that practices and patients’ needs are considered in planning services at a borough and North West London level.

Recent and current areas where LMC committee members are engaged at a borough level:

  • At the recent Hounslow LMC-ICS Liaison Committee the LMC members participated in discussions with the ICS to discuss the new national contract DES and the implementation by the PCNs in Hounslow. The discussion was positive.
  • The LMC also asked if plans were being drawn up in case of another Winter Access Fund for the winter of 2022/23. All parties were concerned to ensure that any funds made available were spent in a sensible and timely manner.
  • We will be seeking to engage with Hounslow’s Director of Public Health, to work together on public health issues relating to primary care.
  • The Chair met with Hounslow Healthwatch, to seek to facilitate better understanding between the LMC and Healthwatch.
  • The Chair has been lobbying the ICS to ensure there are sufficient supplies and needles for phlebotomy in Hounslow.

At a North West London level

  • AccuRx. Londonwide LMC has highlighted that the central NWL ICS team has decided to end funding for AccruRx. Londonwide LMC campaigned for the NWL ICS to reverse this decision, due to the utility of the service to practices. This was highlighted in the Hounslow Liaison meeting and other forums. The NWL ICS has now agreed to fund AccuRx at least until April 2023.
  • Workforce Returns. It is part of the national contract that practices make monthly workforce returns, even when there have been no staff changes. This has been raised by NWL ICS and ultimately breach notices may be issued. Therefore we would remind all members to log in monthly and make a return.
  • Hounslow LMC members attend a monthly meeting with the NWL PCN-CD Group, to interact on issues of mutual concern.

Thank you for those of you who contact LMC committee members about issues as they arise. We rely on you to know where support is needed and are grateful for your queries. LMC members are keen to hear from our local GPs and practice teams about any issues you are facing.

Best wishes,

Dr Varendar Winayak
Hounslow LMC

Londonwide LMCs’ NWL LMC Team

Ian Oakley, Committee Liaison Executive, [email protected]
Dr Paul Park, LMC Secretary/Medical Director, [email protected]
Lesley Williams, Assistant Director of Primary Care, [email protected]