Lambeth LMC election outreach work this spring

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear colleague,

Lambeth LMC election outreach work this spring

I do not normally write to you after our Lambeth LMC development meetings, which nowadays take place in alternate months between our formal meetings with commissioners and others. However, there are important elections coming up.

This summer will see LMC elections in all the boroughs within the Londonwide LMCs area and in Lambeth we are keen to encourage new members to nominate themselves for election. In our development session we discussed groups we know where an LMC member might visit to give a short talk about the work of the LMC. For example, I will be visiting the Kings VTS in March.

If anyone practicing in the borough would like more information, or to invite one of the current committee to come and talk to your GP group, please email [email protected]. If you are interested in having someone speak to a group please give some details about the group including when and where it meets. The nominations window runs from late April to late May, so we would ideally want to get any such outreach session scheduled in by mid-May at the latest.

Please also share this email with colleagues and ensure they all check that Londonwide LMCs have an up-to-date email address and correct borough they practice in, so they can be included in the election process. If a GP is unsure of whether their details are up to date they should email [email protected] with their name and details of the practice where they do the majority of their sessions.

Best wishes,

Dr Penelope Jarrett

Lambeth LMC