Londonwide LMCs’ April 2017 newsletter

  • Londonwide LMCs newsletters


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April 2017 Newsletter

Keeping true to our values while under pressure

Dr Michelle Drage looks at the challenges facing London’s GPs and practice teams and the values at the heart of successfully meeting them.


2017-19 NHS Standard Contract changes


The new Standard Contract contains some more measures intended to reduce the inappropriate transfer of work from hospitals to practices.


Our response to the APPG enquiry on primary care demand


We have now submitted written evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Primary Care and Public Health’s inquiry into managing demand in primary care.


4 July: essential survival kit for newly qualified, sessional and locum GPs


An essential one day practical conference, tailor made to cover everything you don’t get taught at VTS and won’t find anywhere else.


Updated locum pension forms


The NHS Pension Authority has issued updated forms to reflect the increased employer’s contribution for the new financial year.


Resource of the Month


Practice mergers guidance

If this financial year is challenging, your practice may be looking to join forces with a neighbour.

Download           ►

Do the new models of care you have seen reflect the values of general practice?
       Some do         

Guidance Updates

BMA Chair’s newsletter
Half-day closing and extended hours
CQC inspection dates – see page 16
Joint medical charities portal
GPC England NHS Standard Contract payment updates

Londonwide Diary


27Londonwide LMCs’ Annual Conference


3Professional and practice issues for HCAs and APs
10Using GMC guidance in general practice
11GP Retention Scheme webinar
11Dr Michelle Drage speaking at Policy Forum for London devolution event
24HR in General Practice – effective recruitment and selection

GUEST BLOG – How can the new GP Retention Scheme help you and your colleagues

Our Medical Director Dr Vicky Weeks looks at the new GP Retention Scheme, which she helped negotiate as a member of the BMA’s Sessional GPs’ subcommittee.

Also this month…

Media and public affairs round-up


On 12 April Dr Elliott Singer, Londonwide LMCs’ Medical Director, was quoted in Pulse speaking about how APMS contracts favour large, private providers. On 7 April Pulse covered our efforts to prevent practice closures, quoting Londonwide LMCs’ Dr Michelle Drage. On 30 March Dr Michelle Drage spoke at the RCGP’s City Health event, looking at how to maintain the values of general practice amid changing care systems.

We have received a number of requests for information on problems with PCSE and NHSPS directly impacting on patient care, if you can help us to build up a picture of these issues for use with the media please get in touch.

We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. We also support practices that are approached with media requests, you can find details of how to get support here.

Got a story? Email us at [email protected].
Deadline for next month’s submissions is 17 May.
Downloaded your resources from our GP State of Emergency website.

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