Londonwide LMCs’ August 2019 Newsletter

  • Londonwide LMCs newsletters
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August 2019 Newsletter

Support for Primary Care Network Clinical Directors

The introduction of the PCN DES means significant changes in the way practices deliver some existing services, and the roll-out of a new range of services. Londonwide LMCs is well placed to support PCN Clinical Directors (CDs) in managing and navigating these changes.


New CQC guidance for practices


Our latest desktop resources cover mandatory notifications to the CQC and what events can trigger an unscheduled CQC inspection.


‘No Deal’ EU exit impact survey


It is now a strong possibility that the UK will leave the EU without any transitional arrangements. We are keen to understand how this could impact on practices’ supplies of medicines, products and staff.


Digital First consultation closes 23 August


The consultation on NHSE proposals to adapt regulations covering digital technology closes on Friday. Have you responded yet?


Data sharing checklist


We have put together a checklist and guidance notes to help practices when reviewing data sharing agreements (DSAs).


Resource of the Month

imageGPSOE guidance on responding to school sickness absence requests 
Download our guidance, template letter and waiting room poster.
Download  ►

Guidance Updates

GPC News
Sessional newsletter
Bowel screening update
CNSGP confirmed to cover safeguarding reports

Londonwide Diary


23Digital First consultation closes
30NAPC Awards submission deadline


01Migraine Awareness Week starts
17Firearms licensing consultation closes
21World Alzheimer’s Day
26Owning your practice premises: the essentials


09HR in general practice
10World Mental Health Day
31Sexual health workshop for practice nurses


07Travel health update for practice nurses
21Practice manager conference – what matters to you

SAVE THE DATETuesday 10 March 2020

Londonwide LMCs’ Annual Conference


Tackling social isolation and loneliness to improve health

Colin Brown, UK Director for Independent Living and Crisis Response at British Red Cross, looks at how their expertise will be of use to social prescribing link workers as they take up their roles with PCNs.

Also this month…

Safeguarding payments and collaborative arrangements

imageDr David Geddes, NHSE & I Director of Primary Care Commissioning has advised CCGs and STPs that payment for safeguarding activity is not covered by core NHS contracts and should be payable via other mechanisms.


Vaccination update

imageBabies born to mothers infected with hepatitis B require a course of hep B vaccinations from their GP, administered at 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age, NHS England have provided refresher guidance on this. Practices should now also be receiving vaccination reminders via the Child Health Information Services 2 GP (CHIS-2-GP) notification project.


Primary care buddying system

imageThe NHS London Leadership Academy is working with primary care providers to support development in the sector, and to facilitate wider working across the health and social care system. Organisation development (OD) buddying is available to primary care leaders.



Congratulations to Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer on becoming CEO of Cambridgeshire LMCs

imageAt the start of August Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer took over from Dr Guy Watkins as Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire LMC. Katie trained as a GP in London and was previously a medical director at Londonwide LMCs.


Remember to use BEAM to LMC to highlight the pressure you are under

imageOur BEAM to LMC mobile app, which enables you to tell us about the pressures you are under from commissioners and others, is proving popular. Make sure you check the app for push notifications.



Media and public affairs round-up

imageOn 6 August, Dr Michelle Drage, our CEO, was quoted in a Pulse article, covering the scrapping of the PCN Accelerator scheme. On 1 August Michelle appeared on Sky News, talking about the importance of vaccinating children.

We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn. If you have an example of general practice doing something well which could make a news story please get in touch. We also support practices that are approached with media requests. You can find details here.


Got a story? Email us at [email protected].
Deadline for next month’s submissions is 11 September.
Download your resources from our GP State of Emergency website.  Vimeo  Facebook  Facebook  Twitter


Last updated : 05 Sep 2019