Londonwide LMCs’ Buying Group Newsletter – January 2020

  • Buying Group newsletters


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Relieve practice pressure
with advanced telephony

Growing patient demand means your practice needs every resource to work at its most effective.

Your telephone system is no exception.

Surgery Connect’s advanced phone and video technology means practices can signpost callers with automated messages, divert incoming calls at busy periods, and cut the time spent searching for patient information. Patients can self-manage appointment changes, helping to reduce DNAs.

GPs, practice managers, and receptionists are saving hundreds of hours with Surgery Connect.

Any questions, contact [email protected].

Have your staff been doing the same old eLearning for years?

Join the Practice Index eLearning HUB and say goodbye to clunky eLearning for good!

With over 70 courses fulfilling your mandatory and statutory requirements, the HUB is easy to use, quick to set up and includes handy automated reminders to help staff stay on top of their learning.

Join the HUB for free today.


Buying Group Partners

imageMIAB Insurance
MIAB (Medical Insurance Advisory Bureau) provides practice and personal insurance.
Midmeds supplies practice consumables.
imagePractice Index
Practice Index provides e-learning covering around 50 subjects.
imageSurgery Connect
Surgery Connect provides GP telephony.


Londonwide LMCs’ Buying Group allows member practices to access services provided by carefully selected partners. You are receiving this email because the Londonwide LMCs’ Buying Group service is a member benefit for all Londonwide LMC constituent practices.
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