Londonwide LMCs’ December 2018 newsletter

  • Londonwide LMCs newsletters
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December Newsletter

Interim Ipsos Mori report on Babylon GP at Hand

Ipsos Mori have released their interim report, which mostly outlines the methodology and data sources they will be using to evaluate the Babylon GP at Hand service.


NHS England and CCGs investigating half-day closing sub-contracting


Some London practices who close for half-days have been told to modify or terminate their sub-contracted cover arrangement within three months.


Motions sought for national LMC conference


LMC members should draft motions for next year’s national conference before January in order to give us time to submit them on their behalf.


Information Commissioner fines for non-payment of registration fees


The ICO has recently issued final penalty notices to organisations for non-payment of their data protection fee. Some GP practices have already been fined.


NHS Data Security and Protection toolkit (DSPT)


The DSPT is an online self-assessment toolkit that has to be used by all organisations that have access to NHS patient data and clinical systems. Practices need to complete it by 31 March 2019.


Resource of the Month

imageFestive special
Check out our advent calendar for festive fun and trivia.
Download  ►


Guidance Updates

GPC newsletter
Sessional GP newsletter
Medact health inequalities survey
MWord 35
General Practice Indicators module updated
BMA seek feedback on NHSPS leases without service charge
London Councils seek feedback on Health Emergency Badges

Londonwide Diary


06NHS Digital confidentiality advisory group – GP representative application deadline
16NHS England prescribing restrictions feedback webinar
16Clinical Correspondence – Rationale

23Clinical Correspondence – Process
30Leading your team


Tackling loneliness in the community

This month we hear from Compassionate Neighbours on how they are working to tackle loneliness and isolation in London and tips for GPs from the Marmalade Trust.




Also this month…

Remember to use BEAM to LMC to highlight the pressure you are under

imageOur BEAM to LMC mobile app, which enables you to tell us about the pressures you are under from commissioners and others, is proving popular. Make sure you check the app for push notifications.



Practice Managers Conference 2018 summary

imageOur Practice Managers Conference was attended by PMs from across London and included a focus on digital and the expanding range of allied health professionals working in general practice.


Thank you for completing our workforce survey

imageThank you to everyone who took the time to complete our workforce survey, which closed last week. The data gathered from previous workforce surveys has been used in a number of ways to support our work advocating for you.




Media and public affairs round-up

imageOn 11 December, our CEO Dr Michelle Drage was quoted in Pulse’s coverage of Ipsos Mori’s interim report on their independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand. On 10 December Michelle was quoted in GPonline, calling for the GMC to be more supportive of doctors in response to the publication of their State of Medical Education and Practice report. On 30 November Michelle was quoted in Pulse, warning of the knock-on effect on general practice from hospital over-stretch during winter.

We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn. If you have an example of general practice doing something well which you think would make a news story please get in touch. We also support practices that are approached with media requests. You can find details here.


Got a story? Email us at [email protected].
Deadline for next month’s submissions is 16 January .
Download your resources from our GP State of Emergency website.  Vimeo  Facebook  Facebook  Twitter


Last updated : 07 Jan 2019