Mword Issue 44 – Covid-19 advice for GPs, practice nurses and all practice staff

  • Mword
Mword Heading - Issue 42
14 February 2020

Dear Colleague

Covid-19 advice for GPs, practice nurses and all practice staff

This is a very brief bulletin to make clear how things are supposed to work during this outbreak. For those with long memories, the plan is completely different from the Swine Flu arrangements in 2009.

Essentially Covid-19 appears to be pretty contagious, but only a tad more virulent than flu. In the absence of a vaccine, containment is therefore the best method of prevention.

Fever and a history of travel to China and other Far South East Asia countries are the most significant part of the history at this time.

The plan is to keep general practices open for regular patient care, which means keeping Covid-19 away from your surgeries. The following is what should be happening:

  • If a patient does turn up within the practice, isolate and call 111.
  • Patients contacting the surgery by phone with fever and relevant travel history should be told to call 111 and self-isolate.
  • 111 will take over the case handling from there on. 111 will arrange home testing direct with the patient and 111 will contact public health authorities who will manage the patient from there.

To repeat, the plan is to keep surgeries open by keeping patients with relevant history, and their contacts, away from your surgery and passing their care to 111.

It goes without saying that this advice is the best available and is subject to change at short notice.

As ever I welcome your feedback at [email protected], and know that my team of experts and leaders here at Londonwide LMCs will always be by your side.

With best wishes

Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP

CEO, Londonwide LMCs


Last updated : 17 Feb 2020