Mword Issue 62 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

  • Mword
Mword Heading - Issue 62
28 May 2020

Dear Colleague

I do hope you and your practice team members are holding up under the circumstances. We are all very aware of the increase in patient and system demand that has built up over the last couple of weeks. There is also much system talk of resets and recovery, and yet the virus has not gone away. But when we look at what we’ve done – the agility and resilience (in the true sense of the word) we have all demonstrated these past ten weeks as we have adapted and innovated; driven not by contractual carrots and sticks but by our professionalism and to meet the needs of our patients – these are massive achievements. And they/we deserve the system’s, and each other’s, respect and support. Now, and going forward.

Today I bring you:

  1. The hokey-cokey PCN DES – further FAQs
  2. Our latest Londonwide Covid-19 Living Guide version 9.

1. The hokey-cokey PCN DES – further FAQs

In our May newsletter and MWord 61 last week we issued our Londonwide LMCs PCN DES decision-making tool to help you make the right choice for your practice ahead of the 31 May deadline. Today, as that deadline approaches, we are issuing a further set of FAQs based on yesterday’s national webinar, which answered more questions. Please do read these if you have not yet made your decision, or if you are reconsidering one you made earlier.

2. Our latest Londonwide Covid-19 Living Guide version 9.

Please also see the latest Londonwide LMCs Covid-19 Living Guide, version 9 which updates practices with the latest NHS England advice on restarting cervical smears for high risk patients following their notice at the end of March to stop the collection of samples. Further advice is contained in our Non acute general practice services guidance, along with an update to our Medicines management: drug monitoring during the Covid-19 pandemic guidance with added links to Injectable Medicine Guidance.

As ever I welcome your feedback at, and know that my team of experts and leaders here at Londonwide LMCs will always be by your side.

Keep well. Stay safe.

With best wishes

Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP
CEO, Londonwide LMCs


Last updated : 03 Jun 2020