Newham LMC newsletter – August 2022

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear colleagues,

PCN DES Enhanced Access

The LMC, alongside others LMCs in North East London, is working to ensure that the ICB will assess plans against PCN DES specifications, rather than additional local requirements added by the ICB. It is anticipated that PCN plans will be assured and signed off by the end of August, and that delivery will commence from the start of October. There is more information available here.

Polio booster campaign

Newham is not on the priority list but the vaccination campaign will be London-wide soon. The LMC is examining the ask of general practice, which it is expected will include both identifying and writing to the parents of unvaccinated children, and offering other children an additional booster dose. The LMC is also looking at delivery capacity and seeking to ensure that funding will be made available.

Protected Learning Time (PLT)

The LMC is pressing for the PLT agenda to reflect practice needs and be agreed between interested parties, and supported by NHC, the ICB and the Training Hub. The LMC is feeding training needs it is aware of into this process, including training on CMC software and how best to use and supervise ARRS staff.

Secondary care service issues

A number of issues are being raised with the LMC about the interface with secondary care. GPs can reply to secondary care to say if they feel they are being asked to do something outside their competency. Problems can be reported in Service Alerts, or otherwise escalated. The LMC will pursue some of these issues further and would be grateful to be informed of examples.


The LMC raised issues with waiting times and courier services. The ICB is to look into them and is looking for PCNs interested in providing phlebotomy.


The LMC raised with the ICB that there are six-month waits for spirometry. The ICB is to discuss the service with Newham Health Collaborative.

Public Health programmes

The LMC was briefed on the Well Newham Programme, and the Personalised Care Research Project. As part of the PCRP, there is an opportunity to take part in interviews or focus groups for a research project. Please see links below or refer to Ysabella Hawkings, Lead Public Health Strategist for more details.

Health, Care and Council Staff Focus Group – 21 September, 12:00-13:30 (on Teams).

1:1 Interviews – To be scheduled at a convenient time (via phone, Teams, etc).

Best wishes,

Dr Tammy Hibbert

Newham LMC