NWL LMCs newsletter – December 2024

  • Local LMC newsletters

Covering: access plans, interface FAQs, trust contacts, adult ADHD services and more.

NWL ICB access plans

Progress in developing an Access Specification has been slow since the agreement to keep access out of the 24/25 NWL Single Offer. This was in part explained by the general election, changes in ICB organisation structures and failure to get agreement on the content of a stand-alone scheme which has subsequently been offered in 2 parts. We are in agreement with the ICB to keep these monies in General Practice and supported the concept of PCNs putting forward their solutions to improving access.

Unfortunately, the mechanism to ensure this investment is realised has not been helped by a lack of clarity of activity, sustainability and value for money when submitting business cases. Sharing feedback with PCNs as to what is a good scheme, and the marking criteria has not happened until this week. Our concern is PCNs will expend forlorn effort in writing business cases only for these to be turned down due to the ambiguous nature of assessment; especially relevant is the desire for these monies to be unrealistically spent in year. However, we are reassured that the ICB is looking to provide feedback to approve as many business cases as possible. We look forward to January when planned meetings to discuss specification for 25/26 will be shared.

Managing the primary-secondary care interface FAQs

  1. What can I expect from my hospital trust?
    The NHS standard contract, introduced in 2017, outlines key responsibilities for Trusts in relation to the primary-secondary care interface, as summarised in the following report: ICB leads recognise the importance of the involvement of LMC leads in the workstreams planned for 2025. You can read more here.
  2. This is not what my practice and patients are experiencing – what is my LMC doing to help?
    At a NWL wide level LMC leads are meeting with the ICB and acute provider collaborative leads to discuss how to implement solutions around four key areas, identified as priorities by NHS England in the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan published May 2023:

    • Onward referrals
    • Complete care (fit notes and discharge letters)
    • Call and recall
    • Clear points of contact for clinicians

    At a borough level, LMC leads attend Trust-GP forums to escalate and resolve problems with local Trust leads directly.

  3. How can I pushback on un-resourced work transfer from secondary care to my practice?
    Londonwide LMCs has created template letters to help practices pushback. These can be uploaded to your clinical system for ease of use by practices. More information can be found here and a copy of the template letter here. Practices and PCN CDs are encouraged to report any interface issues they are experiencing with local Trusts to the applicable Primary Care Liaison Officer (PCLO), copying in the relevant Trust Senior Responsible Officer (SRO). LMC leads should be provided with anonymised examples for awareness, especially when escalation is needed. Please see the appendix for full contact details.
  4. I waste a lot of appointments dealing with patient queries and problems the Hospital should be dealing with – how can I stop this?
    As well as monitoring and resolving GP concerns raised, your Trust Primary Care Liaison Officer (PCLO) and Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) will be monitoring issues, queries and complaints sent in by patients to PALS. Practices are encouraged to use your PPGs and patient forums to raise awareness of Trust responsibilities and encourage patients to send their concerns, queries and complaints to Trust PALS. Please see the appendix for full contact details.

GP Pathfinders Update Communications
The responsibility for providing other ICBs and practices update communications sits with NWL ICB.

NWL LMCs concerns re Adult ADHD services
NWL LMCs had no involvement in the process for Harrow Health to take Adult ADHD services. We met with Harrow Health on 6th August and ICB on 12 September; we are still chasing the ICB for a response to our concerns about the pathway, following their recent cancellation of a further meeting to resolve the issues below.

We understand the pathway is for general practice to take on Shared Care and Annual Reviews. Both elements create clinical safety concerns and clinical liability risks for GPs. The four main concerns we concluded as: patient safety; Shared Care; Annual Reviews, and remuneration needed for prescribing.

We are aware of examples where there is no Shared Care agreement, or where Shared Care is not Shared Care due to patients being discharged, with the ask for GPs to prescribe medication. Please be aware of this pattern, and exercise judgement when deciding whether recommendations from other providers fall within your remit and within your competence. More guidance on Shared Care pathways can be found here.

Best wishes,

North West London LMC Chairs


1. Hospital Trust contractual obligations:

The ICB is working with Trusts and the LMC to achieve 4 priorities: • onward referrals • complete care (fit notes and discharge letters) • call and recall • clear points of contact

Managing DNAs and re-referrals
Providers should no longer ask GPs to re-refer DNA appointments.
Managing onward referrals
Clinicians working for the provider should make an onward outpatient referral, without needing to refer back to the GP, where it is directly related to the condition for which the original referral was made, or the patient has an immediate need for investigation or treatment.
Communicating with patients
Providers should put in place and publicise arrangements for handling patient queries. Providers should communicate the results of investigations and tests to patients directly.
Discharge summaries
Discharge summaries must be sent to the GP within 24 hours after every discharge from inpatient, day case or emergency department care.
Clinic letters following outpatient attendance
Clinic letters should be sent to GPs within 10 days where there is information the GP needs to act on in relation to the patients’ ongoing care. Clinic letters should be sent electronically using standardised clinical headings.
Providers to issue medication following discharge from hospital for a minimum period of seven days (unless a shorter period is clinically appropriate).
Shared care protocols
Shared care protocols may be agreed locally. Hospitals must only initiate the care under the protocol where the individual GP has accepted clinical responsibility for the patient.
Fit notes
At a suitable point in time, eg on discharge from hospital, clinicians must issue fit notes to patients where appropriate. The note must cover an appropriate period.

2 Hospital Trust contact details for Practices and PCN CDs to report issues

Please report to the Trust Primary Care Liaison Officer (PCLO), copying in the relevant Trust Senior Responsible Officer (SRO). You may also send a redacted copy to your LMC lead if you want this escalated.

Trust-GP forumTrust PCLO and contact detailsTrust SROYour LMC lead and contact details for escalation
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust-GP Forums
-Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
-West Middlesex Hospital
Shalom Chitewo
[email protected]
Chelsea & Westminster
Gary DaviesWest Middlesex
Sanjay Krishnamoorthy
Dr Alisha Khanna (Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster LMC Vice Chair)
Dr Varendar Winayak (Hounslow LMC Chair)
[email protected]
Hillingdon Hospitals Trust-GP overarching Forum
-Hillingdon Hospital and
-Mount Vernon Hospital
No dedicated PCLO contact within the TrustEamonn KatterDr Veno Suri
Dr Sujata Chadha (Hillingdon LMC Co-Chairs) [email protected]
Imperial College Healthcare Trust-GP overarching Forum for
-Charing Cross Hospital
-Hammersmith Hospital
-Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital
-St Marys Hospital
-Western Eye Hospital
Joselyn King
[email protected]
Martina DinneenDr Kyla Cranmer (Hammersmith & Fulham LMC Chair)
Dr Sid Datta (Ealing, Hammersmith & Hounslow LMC Chair)
[email protected]
London North West University Healthcare Trust-GP Forums
– Central Middlesex and St Mark’s Hospitals
– Ealing Hospital
– Northwick Park Hospital
Aiesha Siyahla
[email protected]
Nitu SenguptaDr Mike Edbury (Brent LMC)
[email protected]
Dr Mark Mikhail (Ealing LMC chair)
[email protected]
Dr Chaand Nagpaul (Harrow LMC Chair)
[email protected]

3 Trust PALS contact details for your patients to send in their concerns, queries and complaints

Trust-GP forumPALS contacts for your patient
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust-GP Forums
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
West Middlesex Hospital
Chelsea & Westminster PALS
Email [email protected] Call 020 3315 6727
West Middlesex
Email [email protected] Call 020 8321 6261
Hillingdon Hospitals Trust-GP overarching Forum
-Hillingdon Hospital and
-Mount Vernon Hospital
Email the PALs team on  [email protected] or call 01895 279973
Imperial College Healthcare Trust-GP overarching Forum for
-Charing Cross Hospital
-Hammersmith Hospital
-Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital
-St Marys Hospital
-Western Eye Hospital
Complete a PALS form, email: [email protected] or call 020 3312 7777
London North West University Healthcare Trust-GP Forums
-Central Middlesex and St Mark’s Hospitals
-Ealing Hospital
-Northwick Park Hospital
Email the PALS team at
[email protected]
Central Middlesex and St. Mark’s Hospitals
Call PALS on 020 8967 5653
Ealing Hospital
Call PALS on 020 8967 5653
Northwick Park Hospital
Call PALS on 020 8869 5118