Seqirus influenza vaccines order – update on 2022/23 influenza programme

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Following the recent NHS England and NHS Improvement communication, Reimbursable vaccines and eligible cohorts for the 2022/23 NHS Seasonal Influenza (flu) Vaccination Programme , dated 2 March 2022, and the announcement that 50-64 years age cohort will not be included in the 2022/23 NHS Seasonal Influenza (flu) Vaccination Programme. Sequiris advise that practices can amend their existing order of cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (surface antigen, inactivated) Seqirus (QIVc) if they have previously ordered vaccines for the 50-64 years age cohort.

To amend your order, please contact the Sequiris sales team on 0345 0093804 or by 14 April 2022 at the latest.