Incentive schemes consultation – please give us your feedback

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The Government is consulting on “incentive schemes in general practice”, to inform negotiations for the 2025/26 GP Contract.

We know how important QOF and IIF payments are for many London practices’ viability, and we want your views on the questions posed in the consultation so that our consultation response reflects your concerns. We will share our response with you, our London GPs and practices, to inform your own response, should you wish to submit one.

Please share your thoughts on the consultation questions here by 16 February. The questions have been reproduced in this survey form for ease of reference.

The consultation has a number of questions which appear to suggest additional or alternative targets against which practices could be measured in order to qualify for “incentive payments”.
Questions ask whether “incentives like QOF and IIF should form part of the income for general practice” and whether “patient experience of access could be improved if included in an incentive scheme”. It also “would relative improvement targets be more effective than absolute targets at delivering improvements in care quality while also addressing health inequalities?” and whether “ICBs should influence the nature of any incentive scheme?”. And seeks views on whether “there is a role for incentive schemes to focus on helping to reduce pressures on other parts of the health system?”.

The consultation is open for 12 weeks and closes on 7 March 2024.