Londonwide LMCs’ June 2019 Newsletter

  • Londonwide LMCs newsletters
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June 2019 Newsletter

PCN Model Schedules update

We will shortly be issuing an updated version of our PCN Model Schedules to reflect new information which has become available, and respond to queries from practices.


Babylon GP at Hand update


The independent evaluation into Babylon GP at Hand was published in May, shortly before the provider applied to form its own PCN.


GP State of Emergency: you said, we did


We have produced a number of new resources covering absence from work and dentistry requests, in response to feedback at our conference workshop earlier this year.


EMIS Web data storage update


Practices using EMIS Web need to notify patients that their data will now be held in UK-based cloud servers.


Workforce survey: thank you


Thank you to those who took the time to provide us with this valuable information, including on PCNs. If you have opened the survey email, we will leave the link open for a little longer for you to complete your response.


Resource of the Month

imageFlying while pregnant
What patients should and should not expect from their GP.
Download  ►

Guidance Updates

GPC newsletter
Sessional newsletter
Trainee newsletter
PCSE June bulletin
Moorfields relocation consultation
NEL GP retiree award nominations
BMA annual allowance and tax change survey
Unpaid carers fund
King’s Fund Primary Care Home insights report

Londonwide Diary


23BMA ARM starts
26City Hall Strategic Social Prescribing workshop


03Digital round-table event
10Travel health update for practice nurses
28World Hepatitis Day

Top tips for travel health

Jane Chiodini, specialist nurse in travel medicine, shares some advice as the summer holiday season gets under way.

Also this month…

HPV and rotavirus immunisation update

imagePublic Health England has published updated patient group directions for HPV and rotavirus, the former now covers the introduction of HPV vaccinations for boys.


Migration Advisory Committee recommends adding GPs to shortage occupation list

imageThe Government has been advised to waive requirements for advertising GP roles to UK and EEA citizens before promoting them to international applicants.


Remember to use BEAM to LMC to highlight the pressure you are under

imageOur BEAM to LMC mobile app, which enables you to tell us about the pressures you are under from commissioners and others, is proving popular. Make sure you check the app for push notifications.


Media and public affairs round-up

imageOn 16 June Dr Elliott Singer, LMC Medical Director for North East London, appeared on Sunday Politics London, talking about the challenge of practice closures (20:40 into this episode). We also arranged a practice visit for Channel 5 News who covered this story on 31 May. On 29 May we were quoted in Pulse and GPonline regarding Bablyon GP at Hand’s application to be a PCN. On 24 May Dr Michelle Drage, our Chief Executive, was quoted in PulseGPonline and the BMJ following the release of the independent evaluation of Babylon GP at Hand.

We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn. If you have an example of general practice doing something well which could make a news story please get in touch. We also support practices that are approached with media requests. You can find details here.


Got a story? Email us at [email protected].
Deadline for next month’s submissions is 10 July.
Download your resources from our GP State of Emergency website.  Vimeo  Facebook  Facebook  Twitter

Last updated : 20 Jun 2019