MWord Issue 105 – Dr Michelle Drage’s latest update for GPs and practice teams

  • Mword

Covering the imposition of the 2023/24 GP Contract, GPC webinars on it and the current GPC elections.

07 March 2023

Dear Colleague,

In my last MWord I shared the BMA GPC’s statement on the outcome of the current negotiations with the Government about the 2023/24 GP Contract.

Yesterday NHS England wrote directly to practices and ICB leads setting out the details of their imposed contract, and did so unilaterally. GPC England will be holding a series of webinars to update GPs on the Contract, the first of which runs on the evening of Tuesday 21 March.

To me, the way in which the outcome of the unsuccessful contract negotiations has been made public feels unprofessional, and an example of bad faith.

Now more than ever we need strong and confident leadership for London general practice. Remember to cast your vote in the current GPC England elections. And to work with your local LMC to continue to make the case for more core support for general practice at this time of unprecedented demand and strain.

As ever, I welcome your feedback at [email protected]. The team of experts, leaders and support staff here at Londonwide LMCs remain by your side.

With best wishes,




Dr Michelle Drage MBBS FRCGP
CEO, Londonwide LMCs