NWL LMCs newsletter – March 2022

  • Local LMC newsletters

Dear Colleagues,

Patient record access – NHS England training events

In the GMS/PMS contracts in England, from April 2022 new patients registering with a practice should be offered full online access to their digital record for their prospective information. In addition to the detailed coded record (DCR) which is currently available, access to a full patient record includes free text consultation notes and documents i.e. hospital discharge letters, referral letters etc. This makes it more important that GPs and other practice staff consider the impact of each entry, including documents and test results, as they add them to a patient’s record. You can find out more, access a FAQ and access training.

Online training dates for GP and operational staff are: Friday 11 March, Tuesday 15 March and Tuesday 29 March. Apologies for the short notice regarding the first of these dates. North West London CCG have produced this guidance document and this FAQ, NHS England’s events can be booked here.

ARRS (additional roles reimbursement scheme) reminder – please submit your 21/22 claims

As we approach the end of the financial year, we encourage all practices and PCNs to ensure they have submitted their ARRS claims for 21/22. Each PCN is allocated an additional roles reimbursement sum for the year. This is based on the PCN’s weighted population share of the total ARRS funding. PCNs are able to claim up to this maximum sum each year. For PCNs in London, the maximum reimbursement amounts per role within the ARRS will now include inner and outer London weighting.

Practice Premises reminder– requirement to seek prior approval from your commissioner

Following some recent instances of practices making changes to practice premises or amending leases without the prior approval of the CCG, and therefore not receiving support including financial support or reimbursement, we would like to remind all practices of their responsibilities under their primary medical services contracts and the Premises Cost Directions 2013.

We have attached a recent letter outlining the different premises changes for which you need prior commissioner approval. Please contact the North West London Primary Care Team at [email protected] if you are planning any changes or require any further clarification. The GP Support Team at Londonwide LMCs ([email protected]) is also able to provide confidential advice on GP practice premises issues.

PMS Practices and the right to a General Medical Services (GMS) contract

The north west London PMS contract review transition period continues in most of north west London. However, some PMS practices may no longer receive transition payments from April 2022 or may have completed their transition period. If you are in this position, you may be considering whether to revert to a GMS Contract.

The GMS contract offers greater stability and security than PMS agreements and is not subject to local negotiation or to unilateral termination with six months’ notice without reason. The BMA has produced guidance on GMS contract and PMS agreement differences, which you may find useful when considering your options.

The process for reversion is set out in NHS England’s Policy and Guidance Manual (PGM) section 8, p. 255 – 259. This includes that you are required to give NHS England three months’ notice. The process for this is explained in the PMS Regulation 2015 Part 7(32).

We would strongly recommend you contact our GP Support Team at Londonwide LMCs ([email protected]) in the first instance, who can offer confidential, impartial support and advice to assist you in your decision making.


North West London LMCs