Londonwide LMCs December 2024 newsletter
Covering: new CEO-designate, social media use, Freedom to Speak Up, clinical supervision support, emailing patients, NHS 10-Year Plan and more.
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Covering: new CEO-designate, social media use, Freedom to Speak Up, clinical supervision support, emailing patients, NHS 10-Year Plan and more.
Get in touch to take part in our website usability testing to help us understand how we can improve it.
We are sharing key points from our response and encourage those working in practices to also make their views known.
21 December 2017 Thank you for what you do and still managing to do it I want to say a personal thank you to all who have struggled so hard to uphold the values of general practice in what I can only describe as a year of unbelievable turmoil in our day-to-day GP and practice […]
Dear Colleague, Just before the second year of NHS ‘transition‘ draws to a close we are beginning to see how it will all fit together in London. There will be 3 interlocking strands in the new order: The new NHS landscape as it affects us all in London Your provider role as a GP contract holder, […]
I know in General Practice we’re all supposed to be the best at tolerating uncertainty when it comes to our patients health, but I’m not so sure we’re able to tolerate much more uncertainty in the health of our local NHS. However, I’m going to attempt to give you some context and perspective on the […]
Through the fog I felt it timely to send a beam of light out into the fog and try to illumine the way ahead for general practice. Big breath, here goes: And in June 2010 all was rosy in the London GP Garden of Eden. Everyone knew his or her place. 6000 […]
I have 3 updates for you: The Health and Social Care Bill, 1 year on GP Primary Medical Services contracts Building confidence – demonstrating the value of London’s General Practices May I take this opportunity to wish you and your team the very best of the Season and a happy and, if my […]