Giving notice to stop provision of unfunded services
This template letter sets out that a practice, or group of practices, are giving notice to end provision of certain non-contractual services.
This template letter sets out that a practice, or group of practices, are giving notice to end provision of certain non-contractual services.
Learn how to safely manage workload for the benefit of patients, yourself and your practice team, while working within the requirements of your contract.
Your quick reference guide to useful resources to help manage your workload and avoid unsafe situations for both practitioners and patients.
On International Nurses Day 2022, we celebrate the leadership of general practice nurses on our LMCs.
On Mental Health Awareness Week, we asked a London GP to talk about how their mental health is affected by the job.
The GP Support team is here to help and support you through challenging times. These are their expectations how collaboration will work to achieve the best possible outcome.
MDOs still provide cover for regulatory, legal and performance management issues not covered by the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP).
Practices can often feel caught between their contractual obligation to register patients and commissioner pressures to get proof of address.
When records might need to be amended There are reasons why a patient’s medical record may need amending. There are reasons why a patient’s medical record may need amending. The information is wrong. The patient is requesting certain details in the record to be removed. There is a difference between the ‘facts’ and ‘opinions’. Retrospectively […]
The pandemic’s impact on patients and workforce in general practice has been far less visible than that on hospitals.
As part of the GP contract update (The National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts and Personal Medical Services Agreements) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk)) from October 2021, GPs became required to action requests from patients regarding Medical Exemption Certificates for Covid vaccination and testing. Read our guidance here.
Since December 2021 a new national firearms licensing process has replaced the process locally agreed between LMCs and the Metropolitan Police in London.